tra∙verse: (n) a route or way across or over.
Traverses are a way to see, quite literally, a cross-section of a given area. They lend themselves toward a diversity of views and experiences. They can be aesthetic beautiful lines or soul-crushing bushwhacks, and sometimes both in the same experience. Traversing a landscape pays homage to the complexity of a place.
Traverse routes go from one point directly to another, typically avoiding covering the same route twice. They may not always go in a straight line, and progress may not always present itself as “forward,” but they are an attempt to cover new ground with each step. A traverse, by definition, attempts to end in an entirely new place than its start.
It is in these two veins that I have begun this blog. Life is a traverse - a pathway through which we encounter a diversity of views and experiences, and in which we strive to move ever forward in our understanding of the world and ourselves. I want this blog to reflect my own traverse through thought, as well as provide a medium for moving closer to “point B” from where we are now, particularly when it comes to empowering women to explore inner and outer lanscapes. Through trip reports (yes, sometimes of traverses!) and musings, this blog attempts to inspire, encourage, and provoke conversations in order to traverse our society from one state of being to another.
I'm excited to join you in this never-ending journey of traverses!